2017, In full swing, What’s Next?

For the first time in my adult life I have witnessed a part of american history that has raised many feelings of anxiety, anger and confusion among many of us.  What we can’t control is who is leader of this country is, so lets focus on what we have control over.  Lets start with how we will better manage our personal lives this year.  Its the beginning of the year and almost the end of the first month of 2017.  I know, already speeding by! Geesh! What goals have you set for the new year and what ways have you began to work on them.

For me, I always want to focus on my total well-being: mind, body and soul.  My goals concentrate on making sure, I nurture all those things equally and intentionally.

Mind Goals: Read more, do well in school this semester, study, listening to more inspiring things (more gospel, less trap, more comedy shows, less ratchet reality shows).  There is a lot that the mind lets in that affects us on a daily basis.  I am trying to be more intentional about what I let in this year.  Depression is too easy to happen in these crazy times. Get sleep and more quiet time.

How will I accomplish this:Listen to inspiring, worship songs when I am getting ready for work. Set a study schedule that I can stick with once the semester starts. (at least an hour a day of silent focus on each course). Sleep has never been an issue for me. I need to detach from social media after I have checked my emails for work and personal life. I am allowing only 2 hours daily total, to work on social media sites.

WHY?:A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Okay, but honestly this is what allows you to accomplish every day task and resolve things in your life so you can have a better life.  Its so important to take care of this area.  All battles start in the mind. Rest is restorative, lying in bed checking my phone is not resting!

Body Goals: Gain muscle mass. Last year, I lost weight. This year, I need more muscle mass.  I dance 2x a week, which provides great cardio.  I plan to include weights that I will do 30 mins 3x a week. Eating more balanced.

How will I accomplish this: I purchased the weights needed.  I need to find the right work out youtube video that will accommodate my injured back and knees. I will accomplish this at home. No gym memberships this year! I am eating a vegan diet 4-days a week. High in vegetables less simple carbs. Accomplished by meal prepping.

Soul goals: Daily prayer and reading the bible more! Attending at least 3 workshops/conferences/retreats relating to my spiritual life in 2017.

How will I accomplish this: Study the bible through spiritual-life based books(Unqualified:How God uses broken people). I use the verses recommended in these books to study the bible. Set my alarm, to pray. I have already registered for my first conference. Since I am heavily involved in church life, the other events will happen on its own.

WHY?: Developing this area of my life enables me to balance out a heavy workload and gives me peace. I usually fall apart when this area is out of balance.

These are the top goals of my list for every year, other goals follow like saving, investing, giving more to charity and charitable causes and working on my personal life. What ways do you work on New Year Resolutions! What ways do you make sure they are attainable?

Keep checking back, for my financial goals and personal goals.



By K.D.

Your favorite person that has a nerdy love for all things finances and goal setting. Born immigrant who came to the U.S. and is living the American dream with a lot of God's Blessing and hard-work, that is. Thanks for joining my world. Virtual hugs!

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